BREAKING BREAD Film Review 26th Annual Seattle Jewish Film Festival March 11, 2021 Eclectic Arts

Breaking Bread

26th Seattle Jewish Film Festival
Reviewed: 3/11/2021

Rating: 4 / 5

Streaming Timeframe: Thurs. March 11, 8pm - Sun. March 14, 8pm (sales end 2 hrs before; no grace period after 72-hour timeframe expires)

Available for Viewing in WA, ID, MT

The documentary “Breaking Bread” is a fascinating look at the A-Sham Arabic Food Festival in Haifa, founded by Dr. Nof Atamna-Ismaeel, the first Muslim Arab to win Israel's Master Chef Television competition.

The competition pairs Jewish and Arab chefs together to tackle traditional recipes.

If you’ve ever gathered over a table of amazing food, you know how it can be a transformative experience. “Breaking Bread” is similar in that through food and this competition, there is a focus on making social change.


The film is educational and entertaining at the same time. One plate at a time, the world can change.

Mark Sugiyama
Eclectic Arts

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