VINDICATION SWIM Film Review 6/12/24


Picnik Entertainment
Reviewed: 6/12/2024
Rating: 4 / 5

VINDICATION SWIM is coming to Digital Download on June 10th.

(Picnik Entertainment)

The new film, “Vindication Swim” is a drama based on the true story of Mercedes Gleitze, the first British woman to swim the English Channel.

Without going into the plot details which I avoid with my reviews, the focus of the film clearly rides on the performance of Kirsten Callaghan who portrays Mercedes Gleitze. She does a fine job of bringing the audience into her world of oppressive 1920’s Britain. Her fight to not only accomplish the feat with very little support but also the fight to convince the powers that be that she actually accomplished the swim worked incredibly well.

(Picnik Entertainment.  Kirsten Callaghan as Mercedes Gleizte.   Photographer: Studio Essy.)

Director Elliott Hasler decided to go with a sepia inspired look to the entire film, much like if you were watching a clip from the actual swimmer back in the 1920’s. I honestly could have done without this decision as I found it distracting. But, outside of that, the film was engaging and a quality viewing.

There are clips with notes at the end of the film from the actual Mercedes Gleitze which really hits home just how monumental her swim was and her future work as well.

A solid film to check out.

Mark Sugiyama
Eclectic Arts Media

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