THE PICKUP Film Review June 26, 2024


Reviewed: 6/26/2024
Rating: 4 / 5
The Pickup on Instagram

(The Pickup)

The new short film “The Pickup” just world premiered at Dances With Films on June 25th. An action short made for only $6,000, it is a rip roaring good time.

I’m always amazed by what creatives can come up with when resources are limited. It forces creativity to a new level in many cases and this is one of them.

(The Pickup)

Typically with short films, either I can see it being expanded into a feature length film or I can’t. With “The Pickup”, I can easily see this creative team taking this idea and with the right resources, making a full length film that rivals the best action films on the market.

Great stuff!

Mark Sugiyama
Eclectic Arts Media

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