SPRING AWAKENING The 5th Avenue Theatre Seattle, WA June 7 - June 30, 2024


Music by Duncan Sheik
Book and lyrics by Steven Sater
Directed by Jay Santos

The Fifth Avenue Theatre
Seattle, WA

June 14, 2024 Evening Performance - Opening Night and Media Night

(Ricky Spaulding (Melchior) and Caitlin Sarwono (Wendla) in The 5th Avenue Theatre's production of Spring Awakening.
Photo Credit: Tracy Martin.)

It’s always interesting to me how certain shows can be so divisive amongst patrons. It goes to show that at the end of the day, what works for one guest may not work for another. I’ve listened to the banter during intermissions and after performances many, many times. I’ve seen the online critiques and downright aggressive arguments around several shows I’ve reviewed over the years.

“Spring Awakening” is a show that will create much discussion, positive or negative, around the proverbial water coolers of the greater Seattle area.

I (along with my two guests) went in knowing nothing about the show other than the information provided by the 5th Avenue Theatre. Others in attendance clearly knew the show, knew the songs, and couldn’t wait to see how this production stacked up compared to others they’ve seen.

For me I need to connect with either a character(s) or a theme in a show. I want to be vested in the characters and the journey they go through until the climax of any given show. With “Spring Awakening”, it just didn’t happen for me.

The themes are serious and (at the time) controversial. Considering I’ve spent over twenty years in the education world, I definitely can relate to the issues at hand having been on the front lines (teen pregnancy, abortion, testing controversy, LGBTQIA+ rights, teen suicide, etc.). I would never, ever, make small of those issues.

(The cast of Spring Awakening at The 5th Avenue Theatre.
Photo Credit: Mark Kitaoka) 

However, the execution of the story left me wanting to care about the fates of the characters but ultimately, I did not. That may sound harsh but it is true. The emotional impact that certain acts in the show (no direct spoilers) should have had on me missed the mark.

I was also confused by the adult characters who were portrayed by the same two actors. There wasn’t enough variance to know exactly which character was on stage during any given scene.

It was clear to me that some of the patrons around me loved the performance. From the very loud laughs to the tears of sadness, I may have been in the distinct minority on Friday evening.

One aspect I can say that I loved was the singing. All of the cast's voices were beautiful. Mixed with the quality songwriting they had to work with, that part of the show was a bright spot for sure.

As always, with a simple litmus test, would I go see this show again? The answer is an unfortunate, no.

But, again, judge for yourself. You may be one of the patrons that leaves emotionally drained and joyously talking with your group for hours on end after the show.  Let me know your thoughts.

Mark Sugiyama
Eclectic Arts Media

Connect with Eclectic Arts Media:  Social Media Links and Email

“Spring Awakening” runs through June 30th. Purchase tickets:  HERE!

(The cast of Spring Awakening at The 5th Avenue Theatre.
Photo Credit: Mark Kitaoka)


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