THE MEAN ONE Film Review December 7, 2022 Eclectic Arts Media


Atlas Film Distribution
Reviewed: 12/7/2022
Rating: 4 / 5

In Regal Theaters Exclusively on December 8th!

(Atlas Film Distribution)

The new holiday film, “The Mean One” is being marketed as a parody of the very well known creation by you know who. The emphasis is on parody and legally as long as it stays in that particular ballpark, most things go.

The tone of the film is light for the most part. Yes, it is a horror film but it is a parody so for the horror fans out there, the kills are not what this film is about in my opinion. It is the overall parody of a beloved holiday creature/tv show/book/etc.

The narration is wonderful. I found myself pulled into the story merely from the wonderful voice actor Christopher Sanders. The narration sets the tone and the lines are funny and witty, poking fun at again, you know who.

The story is clever and definitely not serious. Again, it is a parody. It was fun seeing how they would skirt around the issue of not saying certain words. The bar scene in particular was funny. It was also quite fun to catch the various easter eggs that were definitely a parody homage to the original material. They are everywhere in the film.

Lead actors Krystle Martin and Chase Mullins have solid on screen chemistry. That chemistry made the story work. When Krystle’s character went into training mode to take on “the mean one”, she was reminiscent of Ronda Rousey (in appearance). Her stunt work background wasn’t a surprise to learn about after researching her previous work.

(Atlas Film Distribution)

David Howard Thornton as “the mean one” does exactly what you would think - he steals every scene he is in. Riding the massive wave of “Terrifer 2”, David’s work is becoming a selling point for any movie he is in and deservedly so. His silent portrayal of the famous character, again in parody, was one of the highlights of the film.

My only minor gripe was the CGI blood droplets that were used after certain kills. I would have just left them out and went more practical showing each victim with more stage blood on them or something similar. I found the droplets distracting.

Overall, “The Mean One” was an entertaining parody of a holiday classic, turned on its head with a horror spin.

Happy Holidays,
Mark Sugiyama
Eclectic Arts Media

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