NOCTURNA: SIDE A NOCTURNA: SIDE B Film Reviews January 18, 2022 Eclectic Arts

The Great Old Man's Night

Where The Elephant's Go To Die

Breaking Glass Pictures
Reviewed: 1/18/2022

Rating: 4.5 / 5

(Breaking Glass Pictures)

The new foreign film “Nocturna: Side A” and its companion piece “Nocturna: Side B” are fascinating “what’s going on here” type of movies.

A man in his golden years (played expertly by Pepe Soriano) and his wife (the equally wonderful Marilu Marini) live in an apartment that seemingly is either haunted or possessed. There are many scenes where the viewer isn’t sure if the characters are struggling with memory issues or if they’re actually taking place.

Without giving too much away, the film is a wonderful character study between the two characters, with the emphasis on Pepe Soriano. He makes the film work and it’s easy to see how he has had a 50 year plus career. I would love to see more US films utilize the great talent pool that are in their senior years.

The music score is also highly effective and must be mentioned.

“Nocturna: Side B” is more of a companion piece you would find as an extra on the physical release. It is very abstract and tells the same story from a different point of view.

“Nocturna: Side A” is an emotional film that is extremely well done. Recommended!

Mark Sugiyama
Eclectic Arts

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