THE EMPEROR'S SWORD Film Review November 8, 2021 Eclectic Arts

The Emperor’s Sword

Well Go USA
Reviewed: 11/8/2021

Rating: 3.5 / 5

(Well Go USA)

The new film “The Emperor’s Sword” is another release from Well Go USA and Hi YAH! The plot is confusing from the start which is sometimes typical of these period dramas. At times the film really shows promise and then either the narrative or sometimes the special effects knock it back down a peg (or two).

But when it works, it works really well.

(Well Go USA)


I will always be a sucker for period films from Asia. They remind me of my first foray into the sub-genre many decades ago. When the aesthetic matches the story, that’s when things really become something special.

The cast is hit and miss with this film and that’s another area in need of improvement.

Overall, “The Emperor’s Sword” is an entertaining film but it shows so much more promise than it delivers.

Mark Sugiyama
Eclectic Arts

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