NIGHT RAIDERS Film Review November 12, 2021 Eclectic Arts

Night Raiders

Samuel Goldwyn Films
Reviewed: 11/12/2021

Rating: 4.5 / 5

(Samuel Goldwyn Films)

The new film “Night Raiders” is a departure science fiction film that touches on societal issues that have been around for centuries.

A post-apocalyptic world where a mother Niska (played by Elle-Maija Tailfeathers) and her daughter Waseese (played by Brooklyn Letexier-Hart) are struggling to survive. Children in this new world are sent to institutions when discovered, which happens to Waseese. This sends Niska on a journey to rescue her daughter.

([L-R] Brooklyn Letexier-Hart as Waseese and Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers as Niskain theSci-Fi/Drama/Thriller film,“NIGHT RAIDERS,”a Samuel Goldwyn Films release. Photo courtesy of Samuel Goldwyn Films.)

The Indiginous aspect of the film really creates a refreshing atmosphere on what could have been a more typical sci-fi film. Instead, “Night Raiders” explores the world of injustice through a very specific and much needed lens.

The story is compelling and the cast is spot on with their performances.

“Night Raiders” is definitely a film worth checking out.

Mark Sugiyama
Eclectic Arts

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