TELL THAT TO THE WINTER SEA Film Review May 30, 2024


Kaleidoscope Entertainment
Reviewed: 5/30/2024
Rating: 4 / 5

(Kaleidoscope Entertainment)

The new film “Tell That To The Winter Sea” is a British film that focuses on female friendships and relationships. Directed by Jaclyn Bethany (as well as co-writer), the film takes on what feels like a deliberately methodical pace. Nothing is forced or rushed in the narrative.

As per usual, I tend to not go through plot points but the lead characters of Jo (Greta Bellamacina) and Scarlet (Amber Anderson) are the focus of the story. Their school years relationship and the changes they’ve both gone through as adults, leading to Jo’s pending marriage.

(Greta Bellamacina and Amber Anderson in "Tell That To The Winter SEa" from Kaleidoscope Entertainment)

The acting was on par with a well done play, quite believable and emotionally engaging. The story as a whole took awhile to engage me but once it did, it was hard to stop watching.

“Tell That To The Winter Sea” is a quality film worth seeking out. 

It will be in theaters in the UK starting May 31st, 2024. It will be available on TVOD / EST from July 1st and PVD & SVOD from July 29th.

Mark Sugiyama
Eclectic Arts Media

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