PANDA PLAN Opening October 18, 2024 in Selected Theaters Review


Well Go USA
Reviewed: 10/17/24
Rating: 2 / 5

In Select Theaters October 18th

(Well Go USA)

The new film “Panda Plan” from Well Go USA features the legendary Jackie Chan. For many around the world, myself included, Jackie will always be a one of a kind talent. His classic films from Hong Kong and abroad have made him a unique fixture in the world of entertainment.

I went into “Panda Plan” with realistic expectations. After all, I don’t expect to see martial arts scenes from the 80’s in a present day Jackie Chan film. But, what I didn’t expect was just how silly this film turned out to be.

Perhaps it’s a cultural thing (which I’m guessing is partially true based on watching HK films since the late 80’s) or it’s that the film feels geared towards children, the end result is a mess I’m sorry to say.

(Well Go USA)

The level of humor is juvenile (which in some HK films works just fine) and the story is very basic. The panda is CGI and really adds nothing to the proceedings.

Yes, there are a few scenes such as the opening one where Jackie’s expertise is on display, but for the most part I wonder what the filmmakers were thinking with this film.

Jackie just put out a great comedic- dramatic turn in “Ride On”. I so hoped this film would match the quality of that release from 2023. Unfortunately, “Panda Plan” comes up short in all categories.

Mark Sugiyama
Eclectic Arts Media

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