TAPROOT THEATRE "My Lord, What A Night" September 18 through October 19, 2024 Review


By: Deborah Brevoort
Directed by: Bretteney Beverly
Taproot Theatre Company
Seattle, WA

Review: Thursday 9/26/24 - 7:30pm Performance

(Kataka Corn and Mark Emerson in My Lord, What a Night at Taproot Theatre. Photo by Robert Wade.)

The latest production at the Taproot Theatre Company may initially have some patrons scratching their heads. The friendship between Albert Einstein and Marian Anderson? If you’re like me, I had no knowledge of this real life story. Do not let the title persuade you otherwise, this is one play worth seeing.

The play centers around four characters in Albert Einstein (Mark Emerson), Marian Anderson (Kataka Corn), Abraham Flexner (Andrew Litzky), and Mary Church Terrell (Marlette Buchanan).

There are many strengths to be found in this production. The dialogue within the source material flows naturally and strongly. There is a certain depth to the story as soon as act one begins.

Of course the performances will make or break a play. The four actors that graced the stage for this production, not only conveyed the powerful story, but did it in such a way that it made the audience rethink their own positions on matters of civil justice.

There were moments where the actors were so into their characters that heated exchanges on the stage were met with pin-drop silence from the audience. You could feel the entire theatre being caught up in the story and the performances.

(Mark Emerson and Kataka Corn in My Lord, What a Night at Taproot Theatre. Photo by Robert Wade.)

The comedic timing which was sparingly used but effective showed the human interest side of the story. The show may be tackling serious civil rights issues but it didn’t forget to slip in the comedic reminder that these four characters were real life people, too.

The lighting design (Brian Engel) really captured the moments of the story. Dramatic lighting was spot on (no pun intended) when it needed to be throughout the show. This is an area that Taproot Theatre excels with on a regular basis.

Overall, “My Lord, What A Night” was a strong production, with mesmerizing performances from all of the cast, and delivered a pointed reminder that civil rights issues were everywhere in the 1930’s, and still abound in 2024.

Everyone is willing to make a choice when there is no price tag attached. But, what decision do you make when the heaviest of price tags is attached?


”My Lord, What A Night” is playing through September 19th. Tickets are available:  HERE!

Mark Sugiyama
Eclectic Arts Media

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(Andrew Litzky, foreground, with Mark Emerson and Kataka Corn in My Lord, What a Night at Taproot Theatre. Photo by Robert Wade.)

(Marlette Buchanan and Kataka Corn in My Lord, What a Night at Taproot Theatre. Photo by Robert Wade.)


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