CLUE The Fifth Avenue Theatre Seattle, WA July 9 - July 21, 2024


Based on the screenplay by Jonathan Lynn
Written by Sandy Rustin
Directed by Casey Hushion

The 5th Avenue Theatre
Seattle, WA

July 10, 2024 Evening Performance - Opening Night and Media Night

(The Company of the North American tour of CLUE.  Photo by Evan Zimmerman for MurphyMade.)

The finale of the 2023/2024 season, “Clue” opened up last night to a strong turnout. Fans of the classic board game and the cult following for the 80’s film arrived ready for a night of mystery and intrigue.

The pacing of the play (this is not a musical) was remarkable. Once all of the main characters arrived, the pacing never let up. It was almost like a race to the finish of the show. The frantic pacing seemingly added to the chaos of the mystery of who was the murderer. I didn’t mind the pacing one bit. Also note that there was no intermission, either.

The actors were all funny in their own way. The play is presented as an incredibly crazy farce. If that’s not your type of humor, you may struggle with this show. I, however, found it funny in places and the zanier it got, the more I liked it.

(John Shartzer and Tari Kelly in the North American tour of CLUE.  Photo Credit: Evan Zimmerman for MurphyMade.)

Let’s not forget the physical humor. John Shartzer as Mr. Green in particular really stood out. His antics earned big laughs from the audience multiple times throughout the production. I would also note that Mark Price as Wadsworth also did a bang up job in his role.

If you saw the film back in the 80’s, then you know three different endings were filmed. The home video release included all three endings for the audience. The play included many endings that were really done well. The direction of Casey Hushion really added to the whimsical nature of the show and added the opportunity for many laughs.

“Clue” is a fun show and most patrons will enjoy the humor. If you don’t take yourself too seriously, you’ll have a good time, too.

“Clue” runs through July 21st. Purchase tickets:  HERE!

2024/2025 Season Information:  HERE!

Mark Sugiyama
Eclectic Arts Media

Connect with Eclectic Arts Media:  Social Media Links and Email

(The Company of the North American tour of CLUE.  Photo Credit: Evan Zimmerman for MurphyMade.)


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